-protection & reforestation-
Halfcut is a fundraising movement started by James Stanton-Cooke (aka Jimmy Halfcut) and Jessica Clarke with the sole purpose of buying up and protecting endangered rainforest globally. Every year, the 31st August signifies the #halfcut Challenge Day where fundraising champions cut half of their beard or braid half of their hair as a symbol of support for the movement.
YOUR PURCHASE SAVES RAINFORESTS - In addition to 'Us and The Earth' purchasing 1m2 with every $200 spent, you also have the option to donate a bit more at checkout.
WHERE DOES THE MONEY GO? - Our collaboration with HalfCut means that we are able to stop deforestation, protect rainforests, and save both endangered species and indigenous communities. Weather systems, water sources and reduced habitats all need to be protected by ensuring that the forests are secure and remain intact.